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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  November 9, 2019 11:00am-11:34am +03

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when will i be able to return home. this is our duty to. the area the way where there. is a we don't. and here supreme court clears the way for a hindu temple to be built at a size disputed by muslims. alone welcome to al-jazeera live from our headquarters in doha with me and as a product also ahead. i have a desire to prove that this country can be much better when it has a government that doesn't lie as much on twitter as. a big boost to brazil's left for the president to notice and believes president after a supreme court ruling plus. a
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wave of anger on the streets of chin a a day off for the president announced tougher measures against violence. and 2 people killed in eastern australia as imagines he workers battled and tense bushfires. india's top court has ruled a disputed religious side should be given to him that is for construction of a temple the piece of land at i or the and the state of that but there is claimed by both hindus and muslims and it's ruling the supreme court said muslims should be given 2 hectares of land for a mosque at a different location and his government will set up a trust to manage the site and oversee the building of the hindu temple dispute over who owns the land has been one of india's most contentious issues in the hardline is destroyed a 16. century mosque in 1902 the court added the right to build
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a temple other than will be subject to peace harmony law and order now indian prime minister in the day in the morning has tweeted his thoughts following the verdict he said the holes of justice have amicably concluded a matter of going on for decades every side every point of view was given adequate time and opportunity to express differing points of view this verdict will further increase people's faith in judicial process as well as going out to our correspondent on child water she has been following all the developments for us from the capital new delhi it is a case that's been in the courts for decades and one that indians will be examining the ruling very closely. well that is correct has been watershed moment in indian politics in the lives of india and the deepest and exposed the deepest 4th line in this country between the 2 communities the hindus and the muslims now the politicians here are saying that the
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word it should bring closure but the big question is will it the bottom line really of the world it is that the hindu believes as one that there was born here a temple should be built and the muslims have been given the not done it a piece of land somewhere as a base now of course this will make the hindu groups happy but what about the muslim groups some muslim intellectuals that spoke of $1.00 and said that such a settlement where they were given a piece of land somewhere else to build a mosque would be acceptable to them if it brought broader peace and harmony in the relationship of hindus and muslims there's no clarity whether that's going to happen or not of course the politics of the politicians are playing it out as something that should bring about closure but we have to also hear mention that the center here is at the moment governed by the hindu nationalist party the b j p which has been at the forefront of the demonic to to have a temple built there and they are also going to be beneficiaries of this wording
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even though at the moment they may not say anything provocative but as elections approach it's possible that they're going to go back to the people and see that they have delivered on their promise and make electoral gates. and i'm sure we have extraordinary security measures around the country to make sure that there's no violence as a result of the ruling talk us through what's in place. it was about the 92 when the barbary wasc was demolished riots ensued and 2000 people were killed all over india so this time the security officials have taken many precautions to make sure that there is no violence about 12000 security personnel have been deployed in the state of what up with which is where the disputed site is . said that they also have as many as 10000 meetings with the local hindu and muslim leaders and talk to them about keeping peace and making sure that there is
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no option of violence they're also checking social media keeping an eye on social media websites to make sure that there are no provocative statements now many security arrangements including schools have been and the other other education institutes have been get shot at the moment we don't really know how the ground is going to respond it is a word dick fearing the hindus they should idly be pacified and happy about water about the muslims some analysts that i spoke to earlier said that in the current scenario the muslims already feel that they are the back court so maybe passes by but we don't know for how long although at the moment security arrangements are in place to ensure that violence can be deterred and to thank you for that until the border live in new delhi well let's take a closer look at the controversy the dispute dates back to 855 over the ownership of about a hector of land claimed by both and those and muslims and jews believe it's the birthplace of one of the main day to use the word drama in the group say
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a temple was demolished to build a mosque in the 16th century known as the mustard and 992 hardline hindus who wanted to build a temple there demolished the mosque and that sparked winds across the country 2000 people were killed most of the muslims and 2010 judges in the high court ruled that the land on which the mosque one stood should be divided into 3 equal. it's one for muslims and 2 for hindus but last year both groups mounted a legal challenge in the indian supreme court well let's get more on this we're joined now by saying he's the author of the city of faith city of discord and he's joining us live from the a very good to have you with us on al-jazeera before we talk more about this ruling i mean you're there you're in iowa with the year what's been the mood there in anticipation of the ruling.
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and visitation was. today in fact in contrast going to the heavy security presence i would say that it is sort of an anticlimax in terms of what dodgy what the media would expect that. this city has been it was really blocked on every street that could lead to the disputed site has been bad to get it but when the of you know every deployment of police spent guarding can be such that can lead to the disputed site outside as not being allowed into the city only people who look at being i.d. cards go but identification cards are being allowed into the into oh there are so and a lot of the i mean i've spent the last 3 hours or so talking to people are trying to get a sense of the mood to obey are after the verdict and i can say that yes i think something was things i'm not happy but i have to say that largely the working class people across the 2 communities in a sense relieved that this is
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a way forward and that at least that judgment is not complete deeply one sided of course as it has really be pointed out and as it's been going to doubt that it is sort of order on that is being sort of justified but but but the working class the government be but i'm happy that you know maybe this is now behind them but it's not what you to say about us and on your point that this is a wrong that's been justified you know that the supreme court ruled that the destruction of bobby must in the 9092 was a criminal act they acknowledged the archaeological survey of india's findings that yes you know bobbie must it has been there since the 16th century it was not built on a hindu temple that there was a structure there underneath the mosque but it wasn't but it wasn't a hindu temple so what did you make of the ruling you know which was supposed to rule on who owns the land it doesn't do that and in fact takes the land it says
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that the muslims where the mosque stood for centuries can't have that land. right yes indeed i mean the supreme court ruling today is full of claims that seemingly contradicting each other but it is true that the supreme court has had and that the most closed i mean destroyed i mean it cannot be denied it want to strike in front of life. and thousands of big ones policeman so that's that's that's enough of a good the supreme court has also said that the entire land which runs into it is not to shoot it because the entity and only the date if they have a can on it that they want to acknowledge it by the way that there was no i mean there's labor to say that a temple was destroyed to build the mosque which i think is crucial completely busta territory on which in the 1990 s. that i didn't but a moment was better and that a limited window came to a it got destroyed at that but and but this mosque i mean that was the end
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databases of the propaganda so that has been to the fight by the court 'd and has been dismissed that there is no evidence to support that and i think that disclosure and in that sense the supreme court judgement is balance because it does not it completely dismisses a lot of the myths and propaganda that has been sustained over decades to keep this issue alive to saying is going to get you know expertise on the story and i really appreciate your time today that author vijay singh live and i olivia thank you. let's move on to other news now and more violence in the iraqi city of basra has killed at least 7 anti-government protesters 15 other people were injured out for the local council building on friday night as they fought with security forces more than 200 people have been killed or rather 300 people have been killed since the beginning of october protesters are angry about a lack of basic services rising unemployment and corruption. now he was
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once hailed by barack obama as the most popular politician on earth now brazil's former president no reason are surely december is again energizing brazil's leftist opposition after a supreme court ruling freed him from jail conservatives say lula symbolized a culture of corruption though as traceable reports from sao paolo. his supporters had demanded his freedom since he was detained last year. or simply lula left prison on friday surrounded by hundreds of his supporters. you have no idea of the significance for me to be here with you i my whole life talked with the brazilian people never thought that today i could be here talking with men and women who during the past 580 days were here saying good morning lula good afternoon and yelling good night lula no matter if it were raining if it were 40 degrees or 0 degrees. on thursday the supreme court voted to reinterpret
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a law that meant anyone convicted of a crime was jailed after losing their 1st appeal the ruling allows lula and more than 4000 others to exhaust all their appeal options before being locked up. new law was convicted last year of taking bribes in exchange for public works contracts it was part of the so-called car wash corruption investigation that saw dozens of politicians and business men detained for their role in cases that involved bribes and kickbacks. from brazil's private and state companies you love the feel of a left office saying that he's ready to fight against what he says is the persecution of the left under the presidency of j.d. not it's not clear yet how he's going to do that he wouldn't be able to run for office right now because of what is known here as the clean slate law that bans politicians who have been convicted for corruption. has always denies those charges
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saying he was a victim of political persecution the judge involved was mortal who is now you also an address minister of justice his impartiality has been questioned by u.s. workers party. to the carwash corruption operation is the largest in brazil's history and polarized society thousands demanded justice on the streets because the investigation discredited brazil's political class. discontent paved the way for the election of. president and that's why not everyone in brazil celebrated release on friday. are a mystery really disappointing because there is no reason in the world to the people that can make equally no music for in the know and the making of serious damage for the country and there is very no. movement in congress means the future in this situation. the provision in the 2nd moves but in the
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meantime lula is free and instead of being weakened by his time in prison he seems determined to reclaim his place in brazilian politics once again the. now group of chileans has openly defied presidents about the internet is threat of a crackdown on violent protests mass to demonstrate a set fire to a university and looted a church in the capital santiago police fired tear gas and water cannon protesters responded by throwing rocks the demonstrations began over a hike in metro fares that has spiraled into anger against the government's economic policies more than 20 people have been killed and nearly 2000 and of the past 3 weeks a latin america editor lucien human has more from santiago. as chile and tuesday 23 of this social upheaval we are still seeing the 2 faces of these demonstrations on
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the one hand tens of thousands of people again marching peacefully to. the main convergence point in midtown santiago while on the periphery of all that there are smaller but very violent groups many of them armed with incendiary devices throwing stones at riot police but also looting destroying public and private property on this occasion the most significant incident was the setting fire of a more than 100 year old mansion that houses the university of. firemen took a long time to get there to try to put it out because of the barricades and been set up a lot of those peaceful protesters tried to help them do so but it was too late to stop the whole building from being destroyed by the blaze all of this is happening less than 48 hours after president. announced a long list of what he called measures to stop the violence from continuing. still ahead on the bonneton a palace trying to sound off the prime minister lost just days from the job and
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calls for democracy are not violent for spaniards prepare for a whole for the general election and for here. i would just cling on to warm sunshine across eastern parts of here but the moment was still seeing some very lovely downpours around central parts of the mediterranean easing over italy and the balkans further west some very heavy rain coming through here as well this area of low pressure brought flooding rains in northern parts of england earlier on in the weekend we've seen some very heavy rain coming through here and that has led to a widespread flooding as you can see things a little travel little quaters to go through the next day but the right never really too far away and for sas day we're looking at the heaviest rain across
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western parts of england pushing across well it's cold enough in london just 8 degrees celsius cold nothing serious at a similar temperature here as well wet some windy weather there in sioux italy and the balkans that western sort of mediterranean starting to step it over its woolsey's still getting up to $21.00 the 4 anchor and for athens not too far off that in bucharest we have that western weather continue across those western areas as we go on through sunday just notice for the north right on the line there for london and paris cold enough but at least it should be dry for a time dry course in all the parts of africa for the most probably have got some cloud of right just coming into northern areas of algeria 18 celsius and i think hooah. sponsored. every weekly news cycle brings a series of breaking stories join the listening as we turn the cameras on the media services control much of egyptian media it becomes an extension of the arm of the
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president and focus on how they would put on the stories that matter the most getting an accurate informative story out of there is not to use. it too late we already have the information they're listening post on al-jazeera. there's a problem and these are the top stories this hour and a supreme court has ordered a disputed religious site at. will be handed to a government appointed board of trustees to build a hindu temple the court said alternative land will be set aside for a mosque. brazil's former president as was present 19 months after being jailed for
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corruption and money laundering a judge ordered. to sell his release after a high court ruling and a group of chileans has openly defied president sebastian pinera threat to crackdown on protests but many thousands also gathered peacefully to demand economic reforms. now to a rare sign of cooperation between india and pakistan a corridor letting indian 6 cross the border to visit one of their holiest sites has been opened a ceremony on the indian side is under way 5000 people a day will be able to cross visa free to worship at the grave of such as i found a good an arctic at ford it's just 4 kilometers inside pakistan but tension but. in the neighboring countries has often made it hard to access. now bush fires burning across australia as drought stricken east coast killing 2 people and injuring at least 30 the flames are being fanned by strong winds destroying more than 150 homes
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andrew thomas has more from said. at spock's to high temperatures and high winds across a landscape that's had years of drought and you get this. what authorities are calling an unprecedented emergency more than 92 separate bushfires of those many around to control the devastating and horrific far as that we've seen in particular in new south wales but also in queensland have been absolutely chilling and i want to thank all of those who fought so bravely i've annoyed at this still to die i also want to thank all of those who are backing the men and supporting them. more than 1000 firefighters are tackling the blazes most of all in tears driving through see like these. 60 aircraft are helping 2 of them a large tank is dumping retardant to try and dampen the flames. but already more
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than a 150 homes have been lost and people have died and it's feared more will as we stand today there are more than 75 burning across the state more than 41 contained and at least 5 an emergency level. mccorry it's a major town on the new south wales coast smoke fills it the sky is orange the debate is fierce in australia as to whether these boys are a direct result of manmade climate change the government says not that fires are getting more frequent and more intense in australia and seems to get earlier this year it's not even summer yet. temperatures will drop a little on sunday and stay low on monday but it will be temporary relief the heat will return all choose day and there's no forecast tools for rain under thomas
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al-jazeera sydney herself an exiled cambodian opposition leader has landed in malaysia that's according to the russia's news agency sam rainsy posted on social media that he boarded a flight from france but didn't specify where he would be landing on thursday he was barred from getting on a plane bound for thailand rankings valid only demonstrations against the cambodian prime minister who said on saturday but he does risk of arrest after a crackdown on members of his band party. now more transcripts have been released from the impeachment inquiry into u.s. president donald trump the latest documents reveal testimony from a former white house and wiser and an army officer meanwhile the acting white house chief of staff has defied a subpoena ordering him to testify at the inquiry a white house correspondent committee has more all thing is this fair as u.s. president donald trump continues to attack the impeachment investigation another witness has refused to show up acting white house chief of staff mick mulvaney is
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the latest in a string of white house officials to defy requests by democrats to testify in the congressional impeachment inquiry get over it democrats want to talk to about statements he made last month he told reporters trying deliberately held up military aid to ukraine to pressure it to investigate trump's political rival former vice president joe biden we do we do that all the time with foreign policy mulvaney later walked back those statements and democrats want to know why was one of 13 witnesses scheduled to testify in closed door hearings this past week just 2 showed up as congress moves toward the public phase of its investigation to begin next wednesday probe says he's opposed to those hearings well they shouldn't be having problems here's that contradicts republican members of congress who stormed a closed door session recently protesting the private hearings and have asked for
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more openness democrats allege trump abuse presidential power when he spoke in july with ukraine's leader but call prompted a whistleblower complaint the foundation of the democrats' impeachment inquiry trump released a transcript of the call he says shows no wrongdoing he's considering releasing a 2nd transcript of another call to the korean president back in april i had a call. here with vonage and i. i make a lot of calls but i have no problem relates to get a very transparent democrats allege just the opposite is a heck of a lot of evidence to the president of impeachment fences but we have to give a fair hearing if they try to be open minded and say next week the world will hear publicly from key witnesses in this investigation one of them bill taylor has confirmed privately what donald trump has vehemently denied that trump tied ukraine aid into an investigation into former vice president joe biden can really help at
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al-jazeera the white house. now funerals have been held for a woman to have 4 children killed during a suspected drug cartel ambush in mexico hundreds attended funerals for the mormon family who were joint u.s. and mexican citizens they were among 3 women and 6 children killed as they traveled along an isolated road in the northern sonora region on monday authorities said they were attacked by a drug cartel who mistook their vehicles for those of a rival gang. the prime minister of getting the south has stepped down just days after being appointed by the president jose many of us that's after leaders of other west african nations gave him an ultimatum and regional body ecowas wants to make sure that the country holds fair presidential elections later this month nicolas hart has more from jakarta and neighboring senate are this sense of relief and calm in the capital going to be so after the announcement of the resignation of
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the president's appointed prime minister posts you know him by 4 all the members of his government the west african body ecowas launched an ultimatum against this government saying that they needed to step down or they would face sanctions now west africans heads of state met. in an emergency meeting over the political crisis they have announced that there will be more troops on the ground already there are west african forces protecting the parliament building the prime minister's office and the president protecting the prime minister's office specifically because the prime minister refused to step down we're talking about aristide gomers after he was fired by the president the president himself wanted to step in with the military to force him out of office. he didn't take place thanks to the west african forces the elections are supposed to take place on november 24th i received gomez is running for reelection his mandate runs out in june earlier this year he's
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running for reelection but he's met with mounting contests. including. the current prime minister was running against him so this will be a tightly run race and the west african heads of state it seems want to keep a close watch on it to ensure that there will be a peaceful election taking place there. spain's prime minister has called for democracy and not violence from kucha nor here on his final day of campaigning ahead of the c.s. 2nd general election petter sanchez held a rally in barcelona where there has been anger at the jailing of separatist leaders show how reports. a student protest camp blocking a busy barcelona street says much about the deadlock at the heart of spanish politics we are trying to make like conscious and young people that we are growing up in a system that in many years we just feel this is
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a generation that doesn't believe its future is served by the political infighting that saw socialist leader petro sanchez fail to form a governing coalition after elections in april. now sanchez is hoping his gamble on a 2nd election in 7 months spain's 4th in 4 years will pay off locating his final campaign rally in barcelona the catalan capital is meant to send a message that he is best placed to solve spain's most intractable problem the drive for catalan independence. yes that i got to know you know this is the catalonia we stand for the catalonia that wants to live in peace not confrontation that wants democracy and not violence solutions and not conflicts over. the problems pedro sanchez is that while the socialists are predicted to win they will likely once again fall short of a majority and forming a coalition maybe even harder this time than it was back in april. he
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wants to show that he has for. like. this and you think you'll succeed. here he'll get the votes i don't know if he'll get. the violence in barcelona last month that followed the jailing of cattle and separatist leaders reignited the independence debate and drove spanish public opinion to the right. the far right box party but promises to ban separatism altogether could emerge as spain's largest party and the once mighty conservative people's property is also on the rise leaving the socialists struggling for suitable partners. one option sanchez hasn't ruled out is a tie up with catalonia separatist parties but what they want most he cannot give is play with them with less side effects to be their left but in the end we always
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end up making this is always at the path of making deals with the right parties so the political deadlock could well continue and in the struggle for an independent catalonia stalemate jonah how al-jazeera barcelona. hello again. and is supreme court has ruled a disputed religious side at the will be handed to a government appointed board of trustees to build a hindu temple the court said alternative land will be set aside for a mosque and has reaction from new delhi. there's still a little bit of confusion this is a question that's been brought up by one of the muslim groups after the word came out that while the court acknowledges that there was a mosque there and that the demolition of that mosque was a violation of law the decision has been given the fear of the dram and the hindus
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and not in the we were off muslims so the have expressed their doubts and so it's not quite clear why that has come about the judgment of the court is a 1045 pages long so it would be some time before the muslim groups can go through it at least 7 protesters have been killed in the iraqi city of basra as they fought with security forces demonstrators are angry about a lack of basic services rising unemployment and corruption 300 people have been killed since the beginning of october. brazil's former president has walked out of prison 19 months after being jailed for corruption and money laundering a judge ordered louise in our syrian leader to silver's release after brazil's top court ruled that convicted criminals could only be jailed after all of the appeals have been exhausted a group of chileans is openly defied president sebastian pinera threat to crackdown on violent protests police fired tear gas and water cannon at demonstrators who
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threw rocks and responds many thousands also gathered peacefully to demand economic reforms more than 20 people have been killed in nearly 2008 over the past 3 weeks. and eastern australia 2 people have been killed as firefighters continue to battle a record number of bushfires emergency officials say 7 others are unaccounted for in the eastern states. a rare sign of cooperation between india and pakistan a card or letting indian 6 cross the border to visit one of their holiest sites is being opened 5000 people a day will be able to cross visa free to worship at the grave of citizens founder goodenough anak at fault. well those are the headlines on stay with us the listening post is coming up next thank you for watching one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much input in contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you
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know it's that it turns the body but to be there because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are with the people who believe that tell the real story so i'll just mend it is to deliver journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. how is it that covering stories around the fire because trust journalists wait for the book here that he died from water like those that never lived among the think one of the most dangerous part of the mining industry $140.00 tournaments around the clock current battle story. hello i'm richard burton you're watching a special edition of the listening post when journalists talk about the most dangerous beats in the news business they talk about war zones are trying to cover drug cartels in mexico however environmental reporting is not far behind.


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